Landmarks Preservation Commission &
Sudbrook Park Landmarks Committee

architectural drawings of houses

Homeowners within the Sudbrook Park County Historic District must obtain approval from the Baltimore County Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to make exterior changes, including additions, deletions or reconstruction work, fencing, windows, landscapes, driveways, roofing, outbuildings, decks, porches, etc… to their property.

Sudbrook Park's Landmarks Committee (SPLC) meets monthly to help fellow homeowners comply with Baltimore County's standards for historic districts. Residents planning exterior rehabilitation or alteration to properties within the county historic district should contact the SPLC Chair and attend an SPLC meeting, bringing a location plat, photographs of the property, and project details.

After reviewing the project, the Sudbrook committee makes a recommendation to the Commission but does not approve or reject projects. Only the LPC has that authority.

Projects require County Commission approval. Homeowners should complete and submit to the LPC a county historic permit application. Depending on the scope of the project, homeowners may need to attend the monthly LPC meeting at which their project is considered.

In addition to helping residents with the county regulatory process, the Sudbrook Landmarks Committee provides information about applying for state and county historic tax credits.

If you have any questions about a project, are looking for appropriate resources and materials, or want more information about the tax credits, please contact the Sudbrook Park Landmarks Committee or Baltimore County Preservation Services at 410-887-3495.